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Dragon Age 3: Inquisition Fanart [1]

the Dragon Age is one of my favorite franchise of all time, and i like it more than the elder scrolls and even mass effect. Dragon Age 3: Inquisition has not been released yet and not anytime soon either, but im so looking forward to play it.

so this is my fanart for DA3, its not done yet and i dont know how is it going to turn out. i dont even know if she will be a warrior, mage or rogue. but i hope you all will like it.

my model for this character is a friend of mine called Victoria, i painted her before if you had watched my older videos.

musics used:
Ice, Dam Top, Borderlands 2
Mage Pride, Dragon Age 2
Grey Warden Theme, Dragon Age Origins

Длительность: 00:10:48

0 | Язык: Русский | Автор: tekkoontan | Inku

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